The Miracle Circle

I have long come to the realization and belief that we all have a story to tell that one or another can benefit from/through by hearing what we’ve encoountered and overcome.  Additionally, many of us have encountered experiences in our life that have been so incredibly “unbelievable” that there is nothing else to call them except miracles.  I have had the blessed fortune of having quite a few miracles occur for me; some of which being simply having the wherewithall of hearing the “voice” of my Spiritual Source.  Ultimately, allowing me to make through and out of some pretty scary situations and times, and turning things around for myself rather significantly.

Today, when I began to write, it was pretty spur of the moment, so other than making this introduction of the intended content of this blog, i’ve nothing more to share further today.  However, I am hoping that the things I offer hereafter and the words of anyone else wanting to share as well, will impact those significant persons who will benefit from the words and stories shared and perhaps stop these individuals from enduring some of the perils I’ve encountered; be impressed by some of the miracles and just know that you’re not in anything alone…

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